Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Lucy Davey Essay Example
Lucy Davey Essay How far do you agree that support for the League of Nations was the main reason why Britain made so few commitments to maintain the peace of Europe in 1920s?To a certain extent Britain made so few commitments to maintaining the peace because of the League of Nations but however there were other factors which influenced Britains decision to stay out of European affairs. A Continental commitment was a binding military alliance with an ally, in Britains case France, which would have tied down British forces in the event of a war. The avoidance of such an agreement in the post WW1 years was a staple of Britains defence policy.One reason for Britains few commitments to maintaining the peace was that of being overstretched by her Empire. Britain was trying to police too vast an area with highly limited resources. There were many uprisings taking place in different parts of the Empire. For example in India, the British passed the Rowlatt Acts to try to control protests. The acts attempted t o restrict liberties and rights of Indians, but demonstrations against the government increased as a response to the acts. After the Amritsar Massacre of 1919 Indians demanded independence from British rule. In 1920 Ghandi persuaded the Congress to adopt his non violent non co-operation policy; Ghandi transformed Congress to a mass party with millions of followers. Similarly in Ireland the IRA waged a guerrilla war against the British army. All these uprisings meant that if there were problems defending the Empire, it would mean there would be inadequate forces to help defend Europe in a major conflict and maintain peace. This therefore made it crucial to avoid a Continental commitment.Another reason Britain avoided many commitments was the fact that Continental Wars were particularly expensive and necessitated raising taxes and government borrowing. Britains national and imperial interests could be better and more cheaply secured by avoiding entanglement in European wars and using diplomacy to resolve tension. Also Britain was a major exporting nation with important markets in North America, the Pacific and parts of Africa had to be protected by the navy. A peaceful Europe which Britain had few commitments to contributed towards the ability to fund the navy.A brief reason for Britains lack of commitments was also the fact that America was the up and coming power in the world and that relations between Britain and America were going to be increasingly important, thus Europe was less important. However in the 1920s America was isolationist and it was not clear how America was going to come on the world stage.Public opinion was a factor for Britain making so few commitments to Europe. WW1 had seen over 750,000 British soldiers die, and most families had lost a loved one. Many in the public felt that the government should strive to avoid a similar catastrophe. The 1920s saw a mass amount of anti-war literature such as The Death Bed. Running through the literature is outrage at the faà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ade of war being chivalrous or heroic; this illusion had been shattered after the mechanised nature of war on the Western Front. Thus public opinion had a large sway over government policy which is another reason why Britain made so few commitments in order to avoid any future wars.The League of Nations was a government means of accommodating different interests. The League represented the extension of liberal values to the practise of international relations. Liberalism fostered the notion political compromise was reached by discussion and assured peace. The League inspired people to believe the nations could co-operate peacefully and resolve differences through negotiation not violence.Throughout the 1920s, disarmament conferences were held to try and reduce arms and size of armies so that violent war could be avoided. An example of this was at Locarno in 1925, where the major powers of Western Europe reached an agreement that was designed to assur e the peaceful maintenance of the Franco-German borders. Britain and Italy acted as guarantors of the maintenance of the border between the two continental rivals, with both France and Germany accepting any future border alterations had to be achieved diplomatically. There was a feeling that a European war had been averted. Locarno is the pivotal point in interwar diplomacy, the moment when the spirit of goodwill and international conciliation was at its highest, it became known as the Locarno spirit. Britain was able to take a minor role in European commitments without being too involved.The Kellogg Briand Pact of 1928 said that war should be outlawed as a way of settling international disputes so force appeared to be prohibited as a way of settling international disputes. It represented a multilateral renunciation of war as an instrument of national policy.The League was committed to avoiding balance of powers politics and rival alliance systems which were believed to make war mor e likely. It is easy to see how governments were encouraged to avoid war by the influence of public opinion. However it is also easy to see there is a link between British foreign policy and the mood for multilateral settlements. Britain refused to make a military alliance with France but did make a limited guarantee of security through Locarno, thus showing they did use the League as a means of avoiding commitments.To conclude, Britain I believe mainly focused on other aspects rather than the League for her reasons of not making too many commitments in Europe during the 1920s. Although the League is one of the reasons partly I do not believe it is the main reason.
Sunday, November 24, 2019
The Russians Renamed St. Petersburg Three Times in a Century
The Russians Renamed St. Petersburg Three Times in a Century St. Petersburg is Russias second-largest city after Moscow, and throughout history, it has been known by a few different names. In the more than 300 years since it was established, St. Petersburg has also been known as Petrograd and Leningrad, though its also known as Sankt-Peterburg (in Russian), Petersburg, and just plain Peter. The city has a population of about 5 million people. Visitors there take in the architecture, especially historic buildings along the Neva River and its canals and tributaries flowing in the city that connect Lake Ladoga to the Gulf of Finland. Being so far north, in the middle of summer, the citys daylight extends nearly 19 hours. Terrain includes coniferous forests, sand dunes, and beaches. Why all of the names for a single city? To understand the many aliases of St. Petersburg, look no further than the citys long, tumultuous history. 1703: St. Petersburg Peter the Great founded the port city of St. Petersburg on the very western edge of Russia in 1703 in a marshy floodplain. Located on the Baltic Sea, he desired to have the new city mirror the great Western cities of Europe, where he had traveled while studying in his youth. Amsterdam was one of the primary influences on the czar, and the name St. Petersburg has a distinctly Dutch-German influence. 1914: Petrograd St. Petersburg saw its first name change in 1914 when World War I broke out. The Russians thought that the name sounded too German, and it was given a more Russian-sounding name. The Petro start of the name retains the history of honoring Peter the Great.The -grad portion is a common suffix used in a number of Russian cities and localities. 1924: Leningrad It was only 10 years that St. Petersburg was known as Petrograd because in 1917 the Russian Revolution 503 changed everything for the country, including the citys name. At the beginning of the year, the Russian monarchy was overthrown, and by years end, the Bolsheviks had taken control. This led to the worlds first communist government. Vladimir Ilyich Lenin led the Bolsheviks, and in 1922 the Soviet Union was created. After Lenins death in 1924, Petrograd became known as Leningrad to honor the former leader. 1991: St. Petersburg Fast-forward through almost 70 years of the communist government to the fall of the USSR. In the years that followed, many places in the country were renamed, and Leningrad became St. Petersburg once again. Historical buildings saw renovation and rejuvenation. Changing the city name back to its original name did not come without controversy. In 1991, the citizens of Leningrad were given the opportunity to vote on the name change. As reported in the New York Times at the time, some people saw restoring the citys name to St. Petersburg as a way to forget the decades of turmoil during communist rule and an opportunity to reclaim its original Russian heritage. The Bolsheviks, on the other hand, saw the change as an insult to Lenin. In the end, St. Petersburg was returned to its original name, but you will still find some people who refer to the city as Leningrad.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Balance score card Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Balance score card - Essay Example Gradually Invest on New Equipments with the Help of a Financer and the Commune. The Mayor could help out in financial matters since both have the same goal on providing the local community with the access to health care services as well as in maintaining the employment of ABC Hospital stakeholders. The Mayor has the power to grant the hospital some money to buy the needed equipments and facilities and lessen the tax collection from the organization. Establish a Strict Guidelines and Random Checking on the Quality of Products & Services that are Currently Outsourced. This will enable the hospital to acquire the best quality products and services at lower costs. It is not wise to reduce the cost by allowing the quality of food being served to the patients to suffer. Encourage Expansion and Investment on Equipments for the Rehabilitation Ward. Allowing further development and investments on specific wards that has a big market potential could minimize opportunity loss. Transferring some beds from the less active wards into a bigger rehabilitation ward will encourage maximizing the use of existing equipments. Reallocation of available resources is important because of the limited funds. Maximize Economies of Scale on Existing Wards. This strategy will help keep down the operational costs. By carefully analyzing and studying the demand for each ward in the hospital, the management could easily decide on whether to expand or cut down the size of each ward. In line with restructuring the size of wards, the number of nurses and doctors should be assigned according to the demand in each ward. Re-establish the Customers’ Confidence on the ABC Hospital. With the use of the media and church, it would be easier for the organization to re-establish the name and reputation of the hospital as the best in delivering quality services to the community. Using the media and advertisements to announce the
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Biography Of Benjamin Franklin Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Biography Of Benjamin Franklin - Essay Example Despite his achievements at school, he was removed from school at the age of 10 to work at candle making with his Dad. At the age of 12, Benjamin was apprenticed to his brother James at his printing shop by his father. Benjamin took on the fake name Mrs. Silence when James refused to publish any of his writings. With this, his imaginative and amusing letters were in print in his brother’s news paper. When the letters were discovered to be Benjamin’s, James was very angry. After that, Benjamin escaped to New York, although he settled in Philadelphia, this is the place he settled for the rest of his life (Sherrow 7). During the 1730s, Franklin’s prominence and success grew very much at the end of the 1732 with the publication of Poor Richard’s Almanack. He established a lending library for people to share his zeal for reading, and he chosen the Grand Master of Pennsylvania Mason, postmaster of Philadelphia and clerk of the state assembly. In the 1740s, Franklin went up into entrepreneurship with his invention of the Franklin stove; he also rose into scientific pursuit. In 1750, he conducted the kite-and-key experiment and some of his electricity theories were published in England the preceding year. He was tapped as an ambassador to represent the Pennsylvania Assembly, Georgia, Massachusetts and New Jersey, in England. He went on working towards colonial union and in 1766 he hold up the repeal of the Stamp Act (Dubourcq 10). Having mapped the postal routes in 1762, Franklin was designated the second Continental Congress and as a postmaster general in 1775. Moreover, in 1776, he was among the five men who drafted the Declaration of Independence. Also he was one of the men who planned the Article of Confederation. In 1785, Franklin returned to America from France. He was chosen to stand for Pennsylvania at the constitutional convention that planned and ratified the new U.S constitution. He took part in electing
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Network Management and Systems Administration SLP Research Paper
Network Management and Systems Administration SLP - Research Paper Example This protocol is the de-facto protocol for retrieving mail from a mail server, due to its easy implementation, and simplicity of use, which does not hurt its strength, Ayelet et al (nd). 2. The secure networking protocols (Koren, 2011), which is very different in its presentation being a written article, it is informative but dull reading. Not such a good way to learn it is important to know about this, as without security on network protocols there is a good chance of hacking the system. But oh boy, it was boring in its presentation. 3. Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) tutorial, (Kern, no date) is a series of web pages with written pieces on each page from an introduction to the writers, to in-depth work on SMTP including the animated demonstration. SMTP is very widely used as an e-mail protocol, the exchange of E-Mail using TCP/IP is performed by a message transfer agent (MTA). Users normally dont deal with the MTA. The system administrator is responsible to set up the local MTA. The SMTP protocol describes how two MTAs communicate with each other using a single TCP connection, Avraham et al (nd). The RAD University tutorials are very helpful; I chose the ones I felt I was curious to know more about. And certainly two of the tutorials on POP and SMTP did this. Not so sure about the one on network security by Dr. Koren. It felt old fashioned, I found it difficult to just read it and take in the information. Generally, there are variations in the tutorials some will appeal to certain types of person and not to others, they seem to be good quality and up to date. So mainly a good experience, and I have bookmarked RAD University for my future
Friday, November 15, 2019
Dubai Is A Very Young Tourist Destination Tourism Essay
Dubai Is A Very Young Tourist Destination Tourism Essay Introduction: Dubai is a very young tourist destination which gained popularity recently. Dubai has proved as a very successful destination and managed its economy after its recent crisis in year 2009. Having exclusive resorts and hotels throughout the city with deserts makes it a memorable destination with cherishing experience it has desserts which make it similar to Las Vegas in America, Dubai was an impossible dream which is now an oasis for fun in a very promising environment. The backbone for the development of Dubai was the investment made by the foreign investors which helped the infrastructure to boom and flourish. These developments were very well supported and promoted by transparent government policies. But it is important to note that though Dubai was one of the first cities to develop tourism its very challenging to sustain it since there are neighbouring destinations as well which are striving hard to gain the popularity among the region. However Dubais development as a destination year after year has been remarkable and impressive. Dubai has been a dessert gem of the Middle East region. Where the tourists can enjoy sunny beaches with the luxury of one of the finest hotels in the world combined with the warmth of Arabian hospitality. Product offer: Dubai is a destination with seven star luxury hotels overlooking the beaches and with superb infrastructure throughout the city. Dubai caters to young tourists and to people who are willing to invest in any kind of business. It serves with excellent tourist amenities and products which are worth investing in. It is one of the seven emirates of UAE where the tourism industry has done exceptionally well in the recent past years. Dubai is one of the most preferred destinations in the terms of its geographic location. Most of the Middle East and subcontinents of India are just few hours away from Dubai and with ease of accessibility. Also it attracts tourists from European countries making it just 5 hours of flight to Dubai. Dubai is known as one of the best places for a short break with wide range of products offering such as hotels and resorts, dining, shopping, partying, sports events and much more. Dubai is also known for its artificial islands namely, Palm Jumeirah, Palm Deira, Palm Jabel Ali and The world. These artificial and unbelieving infrastructures have taken a drastic curve towards the development of tourism industry. Pricing Strategy: Dubai has made its image at an international level and kept the pace with the increasing market demand and needs effectively. Tourism industry is one of the major contributors of the total economy of Dubai. Dubai was at its best in its early 2002 which lasted for 5 to 6 years and faced a global economy crisis in year 2009. However, Dubai is recovering and doing good from last 2 years or so with tremendous growth in retailer business, oil refineries and of course the tourism industry. As said earlier, Dubai saw its boom time during year 2002 and hence it had psychological pricing strategy. However after the economical downfall in year 2009, Dubai is now going through market penetration pricing strategy so as to attract international investors and tourists back to Dubai.(Hsu, Killion, Brown, Gross, Huang, 2008) Also, keeping in mind the visa formalities of Dubai, that is visa on arrival, can be termed as differentiated strategy. In this context, Dubai tries to accommodate more and more numbers of immigrants and which in a way helps the Government of Dubai to generate more revenue through visitors. Service concept: Dubai has emerged as one of the finest places to visit with ample of attractions from heritage sites, exclusive resorts and hotels overlooking the beach to famous landmarks like Burj Al Arab, newly constructed Burj khalifa, the palm, the world, etc. However, Dubai is trying to develop its infrastructure as much as possible and it is coming up with certain developments which will definitely be a benefit for the tourism industry. Future developments which would enhance the service concept of Dubai for tourism industry are as follows: Dubailand Dubai sports city The world Al Maktoum International airport Global village Current key marketing communication strategies: In this world of globalization, countries all around the globe are competing with each other in all aspects. This is where marketing comes into the picture. Today, the importance of marketing has reached to an extreme height where any business or a destination must have a unique marketing strategy to attract tourists or investors and gain their attention. Dubai has also done its part of it so as to make the world aware of what Dubai is all about and what is it offering to the world. Dubai has currently positioned itself in a rejuvenation stage because of the recent economic downfall in year 2009 and hence it is trying its best to penetrate in the market again and it has been doing exceptionally well since past 2 years. Dubai has introduced various promotions and events which has critical role to attract investors from worldwide and sell Dubai as a destination through such events. There are few festivals and events which help Dubai for its strategic marketing which are as follows: Dubai shopping festival Dubai summer surprises Eid in Dubai Also, Dubai introduces sports activity, entertainment, conferences and exhibitions throughout the year. This breathtaking festivals and events attract people from around 200 countries throughout the world. People visiting Dubai for such events obviously experience something unique and this in a way is personal selling for the destination through its tourists. On the other hand, in this world of modern technology, Dubai, like other countries have introduced an official website named Definitely Dubai which makes it easier for an individual to explore Dubai at one stop and go. Hence, Dubai has various means through which they market their destination and they are as follows: Advertisement Personal selling Public relations Main target market: Dubai offers ample of attractions and a place which attracts all sorts of target market from different aspects of market segmentation. Following are the main target market for Dubai: Business travellers: Dubai is a hub for investors and lately more and more number of international investors have turned up to Dubai and invested in some or the other kind of business. Airlines and ship crew: Dubai enjoys its geographic location and remains one of the major points of halt for all the flights flying from one part to the other part of the world. Hence, accommodating maximum number of airlines and ship crews. Expatriates: As said earlier, Dubai has more than 80% of expatriates which means only less than 20% of UAE nationals resides in Dubai. Honeymooners: Having had unique destinations with luxurious resorts and hotels, honeymooners are the best target market for the hotels. Hotels like Burj Al Arab and Atlantis are one of the best hotels to stay in for the honeymooners. Leisure travellers: Leisure travellers have lots more to explore Dubai in terms of shopping, activities, sports, entertainment, natural reserves, beaches and parks. High end travellers may enjoy their stay in any 5 star luxury hotels and make their stay a memorable experience. Main challenges faced: Main challenge for Dubai was to cope up with the global economic crises which had a huge impact on the infrastructure development as well as the tourism industry. Most of the developments or projects were cancelled or put on hold. Also the political instability in the Middle East region raised an alarm for all the tourists visiting this region ultimately slowing down the flow of visitors to Dubai. However, after the economic crises in year 2009, Dubai has made tremendous come back and it is now coping up with the pace of the market with tourism industry booming at a very high rate. Environmental analysis: Environmental analysis is nothing but an evaluation of the possible impacts of external environment or forces on the existing strategies or growth of the business or organization. Dubai as a destination would definitely like to provide each and every visitor a memorable and cheerful experience. Hence, government of UAE is responsible for the betterment and safety of its cities and UAE itself as a country. Dubai is situated on the emirates northern coastline. Dubai shares its border with Abu Dhabi in the south, Sharjah in the northeast and Oman in the south east ( Having such competitive environment, environmental analysis will help Dubai identify its current position in the market and possible strengths and weaknesses. (Hsu, Killion, Brown, Gross, Huang, 2008) Environmental analysis will basically include macro environmental scanning. Macro environment consists of political, economical, socio-cultural, technological, ecological and legal factors for Dubai as a destination. Marketing Information system: Marketing information system (MIS) is all about gathering and storing of data and evaluating them so as to meet the goals and objectives of any organization and for its development. Information could be in various forms, for example, number of tourist, number of hotels, technology development, businesses, revenue earned, etc can be collected. This information is collected by the Department of tourism and commerce marketing, Government of Dubai Dubai is one of the growing cities in the UAE. As a destination, it attracts visitors through various means like real estate, travel packages, online auctions, exports, nightclubs, multi-level marketing, job agencies for skilled labours, franchise business, etc. These factors somehow attract people from worldwide as a tourist or a visitor. This, in a form adds up to the revenue earned by the government in terms of tourism and development. Marketing information system gathers and stores data in the form of statistics and it is up to date with the department of tourism and commerce marketing, Dubai. This will certainly help Dubai to form its strategy for its continuous and rapid growth in the market. There are certain benefits of having marketing information system which are as follows: It helps to identify and recognize current market trends Helps in marketing planning and controlling Helps with lots of information which is systematically and properly designed Helps in making right decision at the right time with the facts and information readily available It also helps in environmental scanning. Hence, it is always worth having MIS in any kind of business or a destination to evaluate its current position in the market and cope up with new market trends. Environmental scanning: Environmental scanning helps in understanding the context for the preferred future. Environmental scanning refers to macro environment which considers political, economical, socio cultural, ecological, technological and legal factors. It also comprises of industries, companies, clients and competitors. These factors influence the business, industry or a market as a whole. Environmental scanning is a process of identifying the happenings in and around the business or a destination. Dubai is a unique destination with infinite opportunities. Hence, environmental scanning will help the destination to survive in the market by identifying the opportunities and threat to its market. In this world of globalisation, there is a need to do proper analysis of the surroundings so as to maintain the pace with the world and form a strategy accordingly. The procedure for environmental scanning will be done at international level. Dubai has been growing rapidly since past few years and hence the government of Dubai or the tourism department needs to be up to date with the happenings in and around Dubai. PESTLE analysis: Pestle analysis will broadly focus on the political, economical, socio-cultural, technological, ecological and legal aspects of it. This will help Dubai as a destination to plan its strategies for the future development and attract more number of tourists. PESTLE will also help the government of Dubai to know its competitors and the potential threats to its market. (Hsu, Killion, Brown, Gross, Huang, 2008). Political: Dubai is one of the 7 emirates of UAE and unlike other neighbouring countries it has a stable political history. In the recent years, it has sufficiently developed dynamic legal and regulatory framework. Dubai government and the department of tourism and commerce marketing have contributed a lot in the development of Dubai as tourism destination. However, there are certain impacts of political and legal factors on the destination. One of the major factors that attract tourists from around the world to Dubai is the entry formalities. The UAE authorities have made it very straightforward for the visitors of the Dubai by introducing a visa on arrival system. Here the tourists do not require prior visa to enter UAE airport, however this facility is only applicable to 39 countries GCC nationals. Hence, this formality is a big plus point for Dubai to attract tourists from all around the world. Government of Dubai has given good preference to the people who are interested in doing a business. It has also received recognition for its efforts in creating business opportunities. It has been a good outcome overall and the government of Dubai is still looking forward to bring in new expensive facilities. Foreigners have the right to have the ownership of up to 49% for the businesses that are established in UAE and up to 100% for the professional businesses (DTCM, 2011a). The government is also looking forward to improve its foreign relations which will certainly add up to the tourism industry in some or the other way. C:UsersHemalDesktop3c6e5d0499db540c0bff2b975f7fdbc0_LARGE.png Macro environment (PESTLE) Economical: Over the past recent years, Dubai has made a drastic change in its economy by becoming a major hub for the business and investors. Having had a strategic location it serves as a biggest re-exporting centre in the middle-east. Activities such as trade, tourism, transport, businesses, etc has made a huge contribution to the economy of Dubai. However, the major sector which contributes to the economy is crude oil (Govers Go, 2005, p. 77). Dubais gross economy was US $92.11 billion in year 2011. Where in the tourism industry of Dubai made 11% of the total economy. It has been seen that the total revenue generated by the tourism industry was up by 20% in the year 2011 as compared to 2010. Tourism industry made 15,965,011 in year 2011 while in 2010 it was 13,272,330. Dubais trade surplus has also been increased over the years, growing from $18 billion in 2007 to $31 in 2011. This indicates the strength of the export sector of economy. The hospitality industry is expecting a real boom in its mere future that is by year 2015. Targeting around 100,000 rooms for over 15 million visitors. On the other hand, Dubais foreign debt was estimated at approximately US $100. Having looked at all the facts and figures over the past recent years, there seems to be no economical problem in Dubai. In fact, the tourism industry will be one of the major contributors to the Dubais annual economy. Hence, there should be no worries for Dubai as a destination for the international tourists. Social: Social factors comprises of customs, social class, religion, culture and demographic variables such as age, gender, income and education level. (Hsu, Killion, Brown, Gross, Huang, 2008) According to ( DTCM, 2011a) Dubai has a population of 2,065,636 which consists more than 80% of expatriates population. Male : Female ratio is 2.2 : 1 It has very low or no crime rate record Eating of pork is a taboo in UAE National language of UAE is Arabic Dubai follows Islamic religion, however practice of all religions is allowed in Dubai. Dubai is doing well in terms of education; it has only 7% of illiteracy. Dubai is one of the fastest growing cities in the world and the average employment age is from 19 65 and which is expected to grow by 120% by 2016. Hence, this will definitely decrease the illiteracy rate of Dubai. Also, due to friendly nature of Dubai it has made a remarkable growth in the trading business and will continue to attract more and more investors in future. Technological: Technological factor is now one of the important aspects for any destination in the world of globalisation. Dubai has invested hugely in technology and infrastructures in last 20 years or so. It has got ample amount of attractions where the tourists can look forward to and make their visit to Dubai a memorable experience. Dubai has one major international airport, 2 seaports, specialised free zones, several industrial areas, etc. Dubai has 387 number of operating hotels (Figure 1.1) and 53,828 number of available rooms by the end of year 2011, (DTCM, 2011a). Dubai has worlds 4th tallest hotel named Burj Al Arab, standing 321 meters tall with around 70 floors. Recently established worlds tallest building named Burj Khalifa is 828 meters long in height and more than 160 stories. It holds the following records at international level: Tallest building in the world Highest numbers of stories in the world Tallest service elevators in the world Elevators with the longest travelling distance Tallest free standing building in the world Figure 1.1 C:UsersHemalDesktop1.png Dubai has recently introduced to technologies which are useful for the people travelling throughout the city. Installation of automatic fare system, route display, destination display system, electronic taximeters and complete management systems has made easy for the tourists to travel without any hesitation or trouble. Dubai government also introduced One Stop Information Centre (OSIC) where an individual can stop over and browse for all the information about Dubai in one go. Moreover, Dubai has done significantly well in its technology and infrastructure department so as to attract more and more number of tourists as well as investors with long lasting experience. Ecological: Dubai enjoys with undoubtedly one of the best locations on the planet earth. Having had exceptionally well looking beaches throughout the coast, Dubai has many more things to look which is artificial. Dubai has more than 3 artificial islands, namely, Palm Jebel Ali, Palm Jumeirah, Palm Deira and The world (which appears as a world map) from north to the south. Dubai has been voted with the cleanest water with Abu Dhabi and Muscat. Also, certain UAE cities like Dubai, Abu Dhabi and Sharjah have been rated the best cities to live, (Emirates news, 2012). Legal: UAEs seven emirates have their own government with proper municipality and authorities. There are laws where each and every individual must follow and it has been noticed that in a recent few years expatriates have failed to do it (Emirates News, 2012). There are few laws you should never break, for example: Clothing for womens should be conservative, no transparent clothing are allowed where as mens should cover their chest. There are few customs law where an individual cannot bring certain materials and are banned in UAE. For example, pornographic materials, drugs and anti Islamic materials. Consumption of alcohol is banned in public places but can be consumed in restaurants and bar and in hotels. Drink and driving is a big crime and anybody found guilty will be jailed. Procedure for environmental scanning: Relevant areas for scanning Medium Responsibility of Reporting to Time Competitors Tourists Hotels, DTCM, Government of Dubai Internet website of DTCM Annually Investors Hotels, business or organizations DTCM or Government of Dubai Weekly Hotels and resorts Managers of the hotel, frontline staff Stakeholders, General manager, Head of the department Daily Newspapers Hotels, businesses, entrepreneurs Journalists, Newspaper office, media Daily Customers Hotels and resorts Staff of the hotels Managers, Head of the department Daily Internet Staff and managers of hotels and resorts DTCM, government of Dubai Weekly Tourist Staff and managers of hotel DTCM, Government of Dubai Daily Economical GDP per capita Hotels, Businesses, entrepreneurs Government of Dubai Annually Revenue Hotels, entrepreneurs, investors DTCM, Government of Dubai Annually Currency exchange rates Banks, hotels Government of Dubai Daily Legal Minimum wage law Government of Dubai Human resources department Monthly Hospitality magazines/ Newspaper Hotels and businesses, entrepreneurs Media, Government of Dubai, Magazines and newspaper office Monthly Technological Infrastructure/ Technology Government of Dubai, Tourists, Locals Daily Situation analysis: Dubai has been exploring significantly in all aspects so as to attract more and more number of visitors in recent few years. However it has some strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. Strength and weaknesses are internal whereas opportunities and threats are external (Hsu, Killion, Brown, Gross, Huang, 2008). Strengths: Oil companies, booming economy, politically neutral, unique beauty and hotels all around Dubai, safe and clean environment. Weaknesses: Negative image of the Middle East, lack of natural resources, only around 20% of UAE nationality population. Opportunities: Job opportunities for immigrants, increase in oil prices, increase in foreign investors, and development of MICE. Threats: Strong competitors are within the nation for example, Abu Dhabi, Sharjah and Qatar also international competitors such as Singapore and Hong Kong, limited media coverage. Hence, depending on current situation analysis Dubai is going through a booming phase of economy even after an economic downfall in year 2009. Identified are certain strengths and weaknesses with some opportunities and minimal threats where in Dubai can grow drastically as a tourism destination in its mere future. The economy from hotel industry as said earlier and in figure 1.1 shows an impressive growth of 20% in year 2011 as compared to year 2010. Certain factors that will bring in more international investors and tourists are new developments in infrastructure and technology. Dubai has emerged as one of the rapid growing cities and that too in a quick time span and hence it can be concluded that Dubai is becoming more popular internationally and also a best place to live in with extra ordinary attractions. Target market analysis: One of the major essences of marketing is customer oriented. Target marketing is the process of identifying and focusing marketing activities to those customers whose wants and needs can be satisfied by you the best. By target market process you have the potential to convert these customers as your guests of future providing you with hard cash and investments. An effective target marketing analysis will help you to arrange your resources for the market which would provide high return on marketing investments. Hence target market analysis is a very important and crucial part in the development and sustainability of any destination. It is important to note that target market analysis is always an ongoing process, it has to be done in a periodically. Dubai is already a developed destination in the Middle East region and has the competitive edge of being the first-mover over years. Dubai was very well successful to make it on the top of the worlds tourism destination map. The hotel market in Dubai has grown significantly over years which were backed up by infrastructure developments and huge amount of domestic and international investors. However with the beginning of the economic crisis emerging globally it was very natural that it would hit the major market source. Due to the unwelcomed situation grasping the region for quite a while Dubai not only needs but also was forced to rearrange the procedures and strategies of the hotel industry in the city which was suffering from a downfall in the occupancy rates. Dubais Department of Tourism and Commerce Marketing (DTCM, 2011b) have been trying very hard to position Dubai as not only a top tourist destination but also their aim is to develop it as a commercial hub. While conducting target marketing analysis it is important to conduct a competitive analysis with other destinations in the region. This comparison must include factors which attract customers than the competitors it might include climate, scenery, infrastructure etc. Market Segmentation: A market segment is a process of identifying potential customers by one or more characteristics. This is done to better understand the customer needs .Dubai as a destination has classified its customers on the basic of two categories as geographic and psychographic. Geographic segmentation: In geographic segmentation the market is divided into several geographical borders according to region, population, city size and climate. This is done to concentrate on particular consumer base since consumer behaviour varies across geographic territories. Hence it is important to consider geographic factors to target and attract the market specifically. Top 5 source market for Dubai The above pie chart describes the number of visitors on the basis of geographic area and the top source markets for Dubai. From the pie chart it is prominent that Dubai enjoys a high number of visitors from the South Asia region. It also has many visitors from AGCC region which is Arab Gulf country council .AGCC includes 6 countries which are Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar, Oman, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates. The least amount of visitors was from CIS which is common wealth of Independent States. South Asia is one of the most important segments for Dubai, since Asia has the largest piece of share Dubai has a very good opportunity to take over this target market and spread its roots even deeper. The above data is about the visitors coming to Dubai however it is also important to keep a track of the spending power of the source market (DTCM, 2011a). C:UsersFavYAppDataRoamingTencentUsers473793741QQWinTempRichOleXGNK{GK`}3}J][6L7$XUTRG.jpg According to the data above it is prominent that the tourist from the United Kingdom, United States and Saudi Arabia are by far the biggest spending geographic source markets in Dubai for their accommodation which accumulates to $124.9 millon, $82.1 million, and $70.5 million. This is equal to 63.2 percent of the entire category. Among the high spending countries that spend $10 million or more annually, Japan, Italy and France experienced negative growth of 16.6 percent, 7.3 percent and 1.2 percent respectively. However if we take an average spending on the accommodation sector the high spending countries are Russia ($683.54), Switzerland ($629.81) and Saudi Arabia ($551.40). The entire figures are retrieved from (DTCM, 2011a). Pshychographic segmentation: Pshychographic segmentation is a process or tool to group the people according to their activities, interests, lifestyle and opinion. Dubai is a very vibrant city hence it is very important to classify visitors based on their activities to better understand their needs and to develop the infrastructure demand. Henceforth the visitors visiting Dubai has been classified into the following categories:- Pshychographic Segments Characteristics Business Visitors Stay upto 5 days Have visited Dubai on a regular basis Make their own bookings rather than tour operators Look for safety, climate and value for money Airline and Ship Crew Stay upto one to three days Have visited Dubai before and travel regularly Have corporate arrangements for accommodation with the hotels. Stay in 2 star to 4 star hotels and some serviced apartments. Leisure Visitors Stay for 4 to 10 days Are visiting Dubai for the first time Make their own arrangements Prefer to stay at 5 star hotels while minor percent stay with friends and family Cruise Passengers Stay for two to three days Mostly visiting Dubai for the first time Accommodation is usually a part of the cruise package Visit neighbouring destinations like Oman, Bahrain and Egypt. Conference Visitors Stay for eight to fourteen days Are visiting Dubai on regular intervals Make their own arrangements Mostly stay at 5 or 4 star hotels Use Taxi too much as mode of transportation Working Expatriates Stay for more than a year Are usually visiting Dubai for the first time Have arrangements for their accommodation but not in hotels Contribute to the Culture and economy. The above diagram shows the percentage of physcographic segments in Dubai from all the visitors arriving to Dubai. It is important to note that overall, passenger traffic at Dubai International Airport the worlds fourth busiest airport rose 15 percent in 2010 as the global economy recovered. It was up 8.9 percent in the first half of 2011 despite high fuel costs and increased economic uncertainty in Europe and the US. Hotels in the UAE trade and tourism hub Dubai, known for the worlds tallest tower, reported a modest occupancy increase of 0.7 percent to 69.9 percent in May from the previous year. Potential markets profiles: From the facts and figures about the visitors coming to Dubai we can identify and describe the potential target markets for Dubai. After analysis of the data we have identified 3 major new markets for Dubai (DTCM, 2011a). The details of those nations are stated as follows China: In 2010 the visitors from china were found spending more in the country almost 155.3 percent more than they spent in 2009, according to visavue data. The major growth category in some of the segments included quick service restaurant category which inclined to a 361. Percent jump contributing to 31,519 spent in of the other segment which was a growth was departmental store spending which went up by 210.8 Percent to $25 million. C:UsersFavYDesktopUntitled.jpg
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
A Cultural Problem, an Economic Crisis Essay -- Economics Finance
In the past two years, Western society has experienced what many of its leaders have called the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression. At the very least, it has been the worst period of instability that our younger generations have ever seen in their lifetimes. But unlike other financial crises that have largely been triggered by external forces, such as the oil embargoes of the 1970’s, this latest one was a product of our own internal policies and practices; even more so, of our cultural outlooks on the very notion of finance, credit, and debt itself. Specifically, the financial crisis that has just come to pass was the result of the new culture of neo-liberalism and the hyper-individuality and debt-based consumption that it brought with it. What’s worse is that, without an admission of this new culture, or any effort to change it, our current economic system will be regularly plagued with such crises from here on into the future. Before any efforts can be made towards a cultural shift however, we must first understand, at least briefly, the current socio-political ideas that are creating such issues in the modern western market. As Kotz and McDonough put it, â€Å"the concept of ‘global neo-liberalism’ best captures the contemporary social reality.†This ‘new social reality’ was, as they put it, a return to older liberalism, and a retreat from the more government-controlled, Keynesian style of the post-war years. With this relaxing of government control or influence over the markets, we saw an emergence of a new individualistic, and privatized outlook on the market system. Neo-liberalism as doctrine, creed, or culture, or whatever you may call it, became almost something of a throwback to the early days of capitalism... ...olitical Economy. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2001. Dumenil, Gerard and Levy, Dominique. â€Å"The economics of US imperialism at the turn of the 21st century,†Review of International Political Economy, 11:4 (2004), pp. 657-676. Retrieved from EBSCO, 21 April 2010. Eichengreen, Barry. â€Å"The Last Temptations of Risk,†National Interest, 101 (2009), pp. 8-14. Retrieved from EBSCO, 21 April 2010. McDonough, Terrence, Michael Reich and David M. Kotz, eds. Contemporary Capitalism and Its Crises: Social Structure of Accumulation Theory for the 21st Century. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010. Smart, Barry. Economy, Culture and Society: A sociological critique of neo-liberalism. Buckingham: Open University Press, 2003. Westra, Richard, ed. Confronting Global Neoliberalism: Third World Resistance and Development Strategies. Atlanta: Clarity Press, 2010.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
How Science and Technology Is Going to Change the Future
how the science and technology is going to change the future ! Introduction Science and technology is a systematic representation which helps to build or organize one's knowledge and to acquire intelligence with some experiments and explanations. The words â€Å"science and technology†are derived from the latin and greek words ‘SCIENTIA and TECHNOLOGIA'. This topic is explained with some details below. History of Science and technologyThe history of science and technology is indentified as a field of history which examines how HUMANITY understands the natural world which is called science and their ability to manipulate it which is termed as technology. Before the word scientist was invented in 1833 , scientists were known as Natural Philosophers. Greatest achievements and inventions The first and foremost invention of mankind is nothing but a â€Å"WHEEL†which further passed down in the inventions of screws , levers etc.By the mid 20th century humans had achiev ed a mastery in technology by making mankind sufficient to leave the atmosphere of the earth and explore space , another important invention is satellite. The first artificial satellite SPUTNIK-1 was built by SOVIET UNION which was launched on 4th OCT 1957 after revolving around the earth 1440 times which is equal to 60 million miles for 3 months burnt to ground on 4th JAN 1988 which is one of the greatest achievement in human history.Harzadous Developments The growth and development of the harzadous side of science and technology began at the start of the world wars , the invention of ZEPPELIN, a type of rigid airship and other warcrafts such as TANKS, SUBMARINES and BATTLESHIPS caused unestimatable loss to humanity around the world . To tackle the enemies new research and inventions were brought in which resultd in the harzadous poison ‘POLLUTION' that caused damage to our earth and us at present. Welcome to the FUTURE !!!Technology developments tends to make the life for hu mans ‘STRESSLESS'. Technology upgrade concept such as flying cars , bullet trains , cloud computing enables humanity to reach their destinations swiftly and complete the works fastly thereby saving time and energy . Therefore Technology development helps the future generations fulfilling their needs. Greener IDEAS! Pollution in the world can be controlled by some of the following methods like RECYCLING , REUSING and preventing the methods and inventions that cause Pollution.Technology deveolpments are profitable to future generations when it combines with the greener ideas! , for example in 2008 the world's first bio degradable computers â€Å"the IAMECO†was built from the waste products of lumber and pulp industry in Ireland. Conclusion From these things we can conclude that technology development is needed but development which creates a pollution free earth is appreciatable. Therfore the final conclusion is â€Å"GREENER THE WORLD BRIGHTER THE FUTUREâ€
Friday, November 8, 2019
Rock and Roll Essay Example
Rock and Roll Essay Example Rock and Roll Essay Rock and Roll Essay Essay Topic: Notes From Underground Because of the rise of rock and roll, a statement has been made where rock and roll influenced the lifestyle, attitude, and fashion of the many Individuals. L. Rock and Roll and the Counterculture Movement. A. Rock music became more than Just a form of popular culture. B. Younger generations are able to find their identities C. Economic depression led individuals to turn to ways to solve their suffering II. Social Effects on Younger Generations and Lifestyle. A. Rock and roll impacted on the lives of many including teenagers. B. Many saw the culture as a way to rebel against the old traditions C. Rock and rollers led a hard life which included drugs and alcohol D. The fashion reflected the lifestyles of the rock and rollers. Ill. Saving the World. A. Love and peace are common themes in rock and roll music. B. Fellow musicians like Woody Guthrie and Bob Dylan. C. Musicians have adopted causes ranging from environments. D. Songs would be Sunday Bloody Sundae. V. Roller of Phrase. A. Origin of Phrase came from blacks as a form of slang. B. First used in 1951 but credited to Alan Freed. C. One of Paul Backcombs in 1947 D. Terrier Smiths song My Man Rocks Me With One Steady Roll. V. Cultural Impact. A. Although many older generation viewed the revolution ear as a underground movement. B. Rock and roll came during tensions between blacks and whites. C. Music brought the segregation to an end VI. Rock and Roll and uniqueness A. Brought politics together B. Rose charity money VII. Weapon is Rock and Roll Conclusion A. Rock and roll is a weapon of Cultural Revolution. B. Jon Sinclair talks about freedom and differences C. There are not many genuine artists in the world anymore The asses was considered to be called the time of change. During this time, many movements had taken place. Reasons for this would be due to the economic depression because of the Vietnam War. Several Americans were against the Idea of war. The prices of food rose up and living necessities became too expensive to afford. Not only were prices rising but people were losing their Jobs. Since no one wanted to spend, stores were not able to keep a sufficient Income to keep their workers. Thus, employees were forced to be let go. During a time of economic hardships, people turned for ways to relief the stress and trouble that they were Tackling. I nuns, a revolution was Odor. Rock Ana roll was Torment In ten late the United States. Born in a time of change and crisis, people saw the counterculture movement as a way to fight against the mishaps. Traditional music became loud and noisy with inappropriate lyrics that were sung by new artists. Because of how new rock and roll was, it was considered to be an underground genre and was viewed negatively by older generations. In many aspects, Rock and roll was a movement that rebelled against politics. It was not common for songs to include topics that were related about war. Well known Rock and Rollers would be Elvis Presley (The King of Rock and Roll), The Ink Blots, and Luis Jordan. Each of these artists brought a unique piece of music to make rock and roll a unique genre. As stated by Alan Freed, Rock and roll is a river of music that has absorbed many streams; rhythms, blues, Jazz, rag time, cowboy songs, country songs, and folk songs. Soon, rock and roll became part of the popular culture of the United States. Not only that but, the rock and roll movement help shaped the attitude, lifestyle, fashion, and even language of the many individuals in the United States. Rock and roll music became more than Just a popular culture that made its way urine the asses. It became a movement and possibly even an ideology. Those who followed the movement sought ways to put their emotions and beliefs into song. Unlike the millions of different popular culture, it had allowed people to live life differently than most. It was a movement that was against everything that made the world impure. Rock and roll allowed followers to play their music loud and harsh. Lyrics became over flown with emotions so strong, that older generations sought ways to stop the movement. However, in the eyes of the newer generations, it was considered a revolution. Not Just any kind, but as the Music Revolution. Attempts to merge politics and music were made possible due to the hard efforts of John Sinclair. Born on October 2, 1941 in Flint, Michigan, he was known for being a one-time manager of the band MAC and leader of the White Panther Party- a militantly anti- racist counterculture group of the white Socialists that sought to assist the Black Panthers in the Civil Rights movement. Sinclair, known for his active involvement with the MAC, managed the hard-edged punk-look from 1966 through 1969. The MAC band was able to embrace the counterculture revolutionary politics of the White Panther Party under the guidance of Sinclair, himself. Even if MAC and Sinclair were both deeply involved with the revolutionary politics, MAC came to a realization that Sinclair was too heavy-handed. Although the band and Sinclair are no longer working together, they are still close friends. In 1968, Sinclair Rock and Roll Is a Weapon of Cultural Revolution was published in a magazine. He claimed that there are not many genuine music artists left in the world that would sing purely because of a cause rather than Just for money. Sinclair also states multiple times that music is revolution. According to Sinclair, Rock and roll not only is a weapon of Cultural Revolution, it is the model of the revolutionary future. Its best the music works to free people on all levels, and production unit. Here, Sinclair gives his explanations on why rock and roll was indeed a revolutionary weapon. Because Rock and Roll music is so unique, it allows followers to be set free from many things. People dont have to stress over simple daily situations. With rock and roll, people were able to formulate a sense of culture. Scalar continual to say, People nave got to get It together, not apart People are owe stuck with bullwhip Jobs, bullwhip schools, bullwhip houses, bullwhip marriages And theres no need for it anymore. He also continued to insist that Everything has to be free or else! In this article, Sinclair puts his focus on the new generations whom he believes are the Music Revolution. He encouraged the youths to start writing music and express their feelings about politics. Sinclair stated that the world is corrupted because humans made nothing but anti-human products. Daily things such as toilet paper, plastic cups, and forks are Just some of the things that were mentioned. In edition, Sinclair concluded strongly that, Its time to turn on, tune in and take over! Up against the ceiling, motherhoods! Not too long after this article was published, Sinclair Music Revolution came into reality and that his famous quote turn on, tune in, and take over! would play a huge role in the rock and roll movement. Rock and roll became more than Just a form of popular culture. Many individuals, especially the younger generations, saw it as a form of lifestyle and culture. Several rock and rollers found that the popular culture of rock and roll was a central component of the Cultural Revolution. The reason why the followers felt this way was because unlike other music genres, rock and roll allowed artists to sing about situations with anger. In addition, rock and roll was like an escape away from the economic depression that people were facing during the late asses to the asses. The depression affected many families, and because of this, songs began to reflect that era. Thus, rock and roll was formed. Due to its popularity, it was adopted into the lifestyles and attitudes of many Americans. Teenagers started to live the hard life by drinking hard liquor. Drugs such as LSI, pot, heroin, and crack were used to fleet their lifestyle. The rock and roll fashion in the asses-ass consisted of mostly black leather. Males usually followed the famous actor, James Dean, style. They would wear a tight white t-shirt and have their hair swept to the side and a comb in their leather Jacket. For the females, they would wear leather Jackets as well with edgy skirts and leggings. Favorite rock and roll celebrities would be seen on magazine covers and products of them would be sold in stores. To outsiders especially the older generations, this was considered to be very shocking and disappointing. Soon, fellow rock and rollers were considered to be an outcast. Although this may be true, with the help of the Music Revolution the attitudes of the people changed from strained and depressed to hard living and optimistic. Because of rock and roll, individuals were able to get on with their lives with minimum stress Peace and love were common themes in rock and roll music. Rock artists in the asses and ass have often addressed economic issues as commentary action. For instance, during the Vietnam War, one of the very first rock songs to protest was heard. The artists of the song were Bob Dylan and Woody Guthrie. Many well known rock musicians have adapted to the attempt of addressing economic and social issues. For example, some well known songs would be Mercy Mercy Me, Sunday Bloody Sunday, and Kill the Poor. Some notably musicians that were very active in politics were John Lennox and his former girlfriend, Yoke Non. The duo was known to give their speeches about their anti-war sentiment both in music and in the public statements. Sometimes, the involvement of rock musicians would go more than Just songwriting and take the form of concerts, events, and charity. Rock and roll was a social catcalls Tanat NAS Racine a milestone In ten Level AI cone arts. It NAS outgrown the 1984 charity single Do They Know Its Christmas? Also, it has become the largest musical concert in history with performers on two main stages. People featured in this charity concert were all the face of rock music back in the days. Live Aid help became a model for many other fund raising. Environmental issues have been a common theme. An example would be Live Earth. The origin of the phrase rock and roll may surprise many for some did not know that it was not the Whites that came up with that phrase. Instead, the phrase of rock and roll came from the Blacks as a form of slang. In 1951, Alan Freed, a disk Jockey, began playing blues and country music for a multi-racial audience. He is credited with the first for using the phrase rock and roll to describe the music he played. But the phrase was introduced to Americans in words of blues and rhythm. There are three different songs that are titled rock and roll. Some were recorded as early as the asses. One was recorded by Paul Backcomb around 1947; in 1948 Wild Bill Moore decides to Join in and lastly, Doles Dickens in 1949. It is also not out of the ordinary for people to find Rock and Roll in RB songs. Back then, rock and roll was a black slang for sex or perhaps dancing. The first record of the usage of rock and OLL would be from her one song called, My Man Rocks Me with One Steady Roll. Going back even further in time, minion, the term rock and rolling was often used with a religious meaning. The word rock had a history in the English language as a metaphor to shake up, loosen up, or to be disturbed. Example would be, Rock It for Me, Baby, and Rock and roll my life with the music. During the asses, sex in songs became very common. The verb roll was in fact a medieval metaphor which meant to be having sex. Examples in sentences would be l rolled her in the clover or They had rolled all day and night in the house. The terms of rock and roll was often used together to describe the ships motion at sea as well. Simply to say, the term rock and roll basically means to loosen up and have sex. It is not hard to understand why the people began to use this word; to rebel against the world of what was going on. Perhaps, due to all the depression, individuals saw that the way of rock and roll was a solution to their endless problems. Rock and roll is a way of life and those who live it are in freedom. Rock and rollers such as Elvis Presley and John Lennox went for something different and that was to choose to be in a different popular culture. Because of rock and roll, many individuals found their identities by finding the lifestyle and culture that fits those best. Back in the days, rock and roll music was considered to be underground. Before it had gained its popularity, rock and roll culture was not big on older generations, especially among parents of teenagers. Parents viewed it as a ludicrous to be considered as music. Older generations were used to listening to soft and classical music such as opera, and Mozart, however unlike classical music; rock and roll music does not have any of those traits in its genre. Rock and roll music is loud and very heavy that consists of drums and guitars whether it may be electric or acoustic, it depends on the type of song that is being played. The media portrayed rock and rollers as a bad kid or troublemaker. However, all of this is proven to be wrong for rock and roll did much more than that. During hard times, Rock and roll appeared when racial tensions in the United States were coming to the surface. African Americans were protesting segregation AT cocoons Ana puddle Tactless. I en separate but equal doctrine was nominally overturned by the Supreme Court in 1954, and the official task of enforcing this new doctrine lay ahead. This new musical form combining elements of white and black music inevitably provoked strong reactions. This Just proves that music can do many things that others may have thought impossible since because of the music it has helped blacks and whites to overcome their differences. Rock and roll has impacted so much in America along with the world. It has swept peoples feet with its rhythm, beats, and blues. Rock and roll has everything to offer for an individual. Its different and unique and because of it, rock and roll has earned its place in the popular culture. It has created a difference too many lives. Because of rock and roll, the youth of the asses and asses were able to find their identity. There is so much more to life than the music of rock and roll. To many, it is a culture and lifestyle. It changed the attitudes of many and thanks to rock and roll, it has patched up the wounds between the blacks and the whites. For once, there was something that the two groups have in common. Rock and roll brought family together. It didnt matter if you were rich or poor or if you were black or white, music is music and rock and roll is the Music Revolution. Just like how Jon Sinclair would have put it, its time to turn on, tune in, and take over. Notes 1 Rock and roll evolved in the United States during the asses and early asses. Rock and roll consisted of mainly blues, country, folk, and gospel along with Jazz. Rock and roll led to modern rock music such as glamour, metal, and death metal music. The instruments involved are usually guitars. In rock and roll there are two electric guitars along with saxophone and piano (asses). As rock and roll aged dance got more popular such as t he boogie-woozier. 2 Rock and roll became more than Just a type of popular culture. It has evolved over time. As it grew with age, rock and roll became simply Just rock music. The popular culture took over the world with music, television; it influenced lifestyles, attitude, and even language. Rock and roll did more than Just that but it also helped bring people from different cultures together. Because of rock music the segregation act disappeared. Black and white individuals came together and enjoyed listening to the same type of rock music. Soon, the white music entertainment industry realized that there was room for black music. Because of this, hip hop earn its popularity long with rhythm and beat music. Alan Freed is credited for the term of rock and roll. However the real origin of rock and roll came from Terrier whose lyrics contained, My man rocks me with one steady roll. Rock and roll was also a slang used by blacks. The word rock meant to shake up and loosen while roll was a term meant to have sex. Rock and roll affected the teenage culture of many generations in several ways. Fo r instance, it changed the aspects of teenagers. It helped teenagers find their own identity. Because of this, their fashion made a statement of who they are and what teen level Tort.
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Value Chain Analysis for Amazon
Value Chain Analysis for Amazon Introduction From its launch in 1995, Amazon has grown to become the main choice for online shoppers across the world based on its array of quality products. Amazon Company’s success has been impressive, thanks to the company’s efforts to address its core competencies.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Value Chain Analysis for Amazon specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Using VRIO analysis, this paper discusses research and development, organization culture, customer relations, incumbent advantages, and branding as Amazon Company’s key competencies. Amazon’s Core Competencies The Research and Development (RD) has initiated and executed ideas such as Listmania and Kindle, which have proved valuable to the company. These ideas have attracted many consumers since they allow them to choose the products they find most valuable. Nonetheless, these ideas are not rare since Amazon’s competitors have parallel technologies. For instance, the Noble Company has a feature that enables clients to share opinions on products they have searched or bought. These products are expensive to imitate because of the corresponding technological dexterity and high costs to develop features such as Kindle. Moreover, these features are appropriate for the success of the organization since the efforts by the RD department are met to enhance consumer shopping experience (Mennen 45). As Hill and Gareth confirm, Amazon has established an organizational culture whereby ideals such as prudence and leadership are given top priority (56). This organizational norm is dear to the firm since it keeps it at the forefront of other companies in the industry in terms of efficient exploitation of resources and the introduction of changes in the company. However, this culture is not rare since most organizations encourage frugality and good leadership.Advertising Looking for report on business econom ics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Moreover, it is not difficult to imitate it since its implementation is inexpensive and publicly available in Amazon’s website. This organization culture that promotes prudence and leadership is relevant for the organization since it attracts and retains customers. It improves consumer experience, thus granting the company advantage over its competitors (Amazon 12). Harris says that the company recognizes that maintaining good customer relations is crucial to its prosperity (10). The company finds it valuable to allow shoppers to review the products to attract other potential customers. However, this strategy is not rare since most companies have similar tendencies of allowing their customers to share opinions on their (companies) products. Furthermore, this idea is not technical to imitate since firms should only comprehend the anticipations of their clients and strive to satisfy them. Maintaining a good rapport with customers is appropriate for the organization, as it helps to control the online commercial market (Mennen 67). Amazon joined the online shopping business at time when there were few online users or online shopping firms. Being the first in the industry has been of great value, as it has enjoyed several incumbent advantages such as the economies of scale of the business. This opportunity is a rare since there can only be one first-enterer. Additionally, it is hard to mimic incumbent companies in other industries that strive to offer similar services because of competition. The benefits of the first entry are appropriate for the organization they limit the chances of rivals surpassing the Amazon in the industry (Harris 10). The brand of the company, which is associated with one of the greatest rivers, is of utmost value to the company since it has linked it to greatness by attracting many online shoppers. Its branding is rare since most clients o nly connect the name to the company. Moreover, it is also not a viable duplicate the brand. Using Amazon as the company’s name makes the organization well known and hence successful.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Value Chain Analysis for Amazon specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Conclusion In the past two decades, Amazon has consistently grown to become the first choice for online shoppers. It has been attentive to customers’ needs following its provision of a platform that allows them to review their products, thus maintaining a good rapport with shoppers. If Amazon maintains these prudent strategies, it will continue to control the online shopping industry. Amazon. 2013 Annual Report, 2013. Web. Harris, Jim. â€Å"Amazons runaway success.†Backbone 1.1(2012): 10. Print. Hill, Charles, and Jones Gareth. Essentials of Strat egic Management. Ohio, OH: Cengage, 2011. Print. Mennen, Miriam. Global Corporate Strategy A Critical Analysis and Evaluation of Germany: GRIN Verlag, 2010. Print.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Human Resourses in a Legal Context Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Human Resourses in a Legal Context - Essay Example The only signed document between him and the employer was a document that detailed the nature of his duties as a temporary worker. There was, however, a written contract between the employer and the job agency; this contract, as established by the submission of documentary evidence to the employment tribunal, was explicit in its reference to all supplied workers as being temporary and deriving from the efforts of the job agency rather than the employer. There was, in short, no express contract between the worker and the employer, the worker was in all cases referred to as a temporary employee, and both the employer and the employee satisfied their respective duties and obligations. The immediate dispute arose after the worker called in sick, and he spent approximately three weeks away from his physical place of employment. When he returned to work, he was informed that the agency had supplied a new worker and that his services were no longer required for this particular job. Consequently, he initiated an action alleging unfair dismissal; there being no express contract between himself and the employer, he argued that he ought to have been treated as an employee under the theory of implied contract. This is the main issue entertained and decided by the employment tribunal. The tribunal was rather efficient and impatient with evidence and information which it deemed irrelevant or extraneous. A few questions were asked of live witnesses, but most of the evidence was presented in documentary form, supported by the arguments of legal counsel. A great deal of attention was paid to definitions, particularly to what constitutes an employee-employer relation under the Employment Rights Act. The worker had an opportunity to prevail because the tribunal and the legal representatives all agreed that a formal employment relationship could be established through either an express contract or an implied contract;
Friday, November 1, 2019
FOREIGN MARKET ENTRY AND DIVERSIFICATION Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
FOREIGN MARKET ENTRY AND DIVERSIFICATION - Essay Example eting strategy that was ‘local skilled distributors’ oriented and focused advertisement to promote among specific segments of consumers such as attractive women consumers of beer yielded impressive results. In the present market condition when most of western economies are under recession the best business strategy is to expand to Asian markets such as India not ridden by recession and where there is large scope of beer business. Quick entry into North 45 percent of the global beer market is controlled by North America and Europe. Both the countries are facing acute recession that dragged the beer market share to a lower level. West European market has been declining since 2006 and has no hope to lift up in 2010 also. East European market which was growth oriented till last year is on the verge of declination. The emerging markets in Asia and Latin America are the only hope to enable the beer industry to provide scope of growth in future. Asia, which has the prospect to command one third of the global market sale is likely to have 5% growth rate on account of the aggressive use of beer by Chinese people. If Latin American consumption of beer is added to that of Asia’s the growth rate in sale of beer is likely to lift up to 8.3%. Sales volumes increased 3 per cent in 2008 and likely growth of 4 per cent increase in Brazil will support this rise. This is the strongest growing market today. For last five years the beer market has been growing differently in different regions World: 5.7%, Asia: 8.3%, East Europe: 7.8%, Central & South America: 6.3%, Africa 6%. Global beer market is gradually growing and alcohol market is falling The share of beer market which was about 44% in 2002 has increased to about 55% by 2009. Over the past five years, the beer industry has made a trend towards consuming expensive beers. In markets such as North America and Western Europe, premium beer’s share of total sales is already well above the global average In emerging markets,
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