Monday, April 1, 2019
Risk Assessment Report For Cinema Complex Construction Essay
stake opinion Report For Cinema Byzantine Construction EssayThe purpose of this report is to conduct a perfect stake perspicacity of the premises and identify potentiality takeplace hazards. The pretend pass judgmentment was conducted using a speci each(prenominal)y designed encounter Assessment Structure which gauges the potential jeopardy of a hazard by assessing the likelihood of the hazard occurring against the roughness of outcome of the hazard.Through conducting a happen sound judgement of the set, s regular unaddressed hazards guard been determine. The identified hazards whilst mostly low-to-medium risk of infection in nature still present the potential to cause blur to guests and employees, healthy as causing damage to the companys property, plant and equipment which could ultimately restrain a negative impact on the companys clement, financial and physical assets.The risks associated with the identified hazards ar the potential for the popcorn over lord to catch fire, a lack of overprotective foot w be, filling the popcorn dispenser, tiling in the front-of-house atomic number 18a, overheated anele and kernels spitting from the popcorn maker, galvanizing cord checking procedures and the location of catch mapping.In install to reduce the potential risk the identified hazards pose, several recommendations have been made. The potential for a popcorn maker fire to occur stomach be reduced through adequate training and placing signage detailing the reform cooking method on the popcorn maker. The potential for oil to flow into employees shoes tush be reduced signifi senstly be successor the current fabric based communication All Stars with leather shoes. If this is non a financially viable option the role of producing popcorn can be transferred to kitchen cater that ar required to wear leather shoes. The potential for slips to occur on tiling can be reduced by applying a non-slip coating or placing anti-slip grip ov er the most unsafe theaters. Introducing personal protective clothing forget reduce the risk of cauterize down caused by spitting from the popcorn maker. Monitoring electrical cords on a quarterly basis as opposed to annually forget help to detect an electrical hazard before it occurs. Repositioning the facilities apprehension map and installing a battery operated touch light higher up it go forth increase its visibility in an emergency situation.Table of circumscribe1. IntroductionThe edulcorate beat, existence a primary revenue centre, plays a vital role in the operation of a picture show colonial. The edulcorate prevention being assessed for this report is situated within a picture mazy at Bondi Junction, Sydney. Alongside the sweeten barricado the multi-level cinema complex also contains seven traditional auditoriums, two V-max cinemas, two G obsolete physique auditoriums and a caf and bar.The primary focus of this report is to identify workplace hazards placed within the candy forefend and provide recommendations to reduce the risk that they pose. A risk estimation has been developed to assess the level of risk that an identified hazard poses. The sound judgment structure determines the level of risk associated with the hazards by step the likelihood of the hazard to ____ against the severity of the harm caused.2. Background to the facilityThe Candy Bar is an 18-meter by 10-meter facility located within the main antechamber of a multi-level cinema complex located at Bondi Junction, Sydney. The Candy Bar offers customers both risque and cold food and beverage options and is staffed by up to six employees during busy periods. The Candy Bar has been designed with the intention of being a self-service facility and thus contains a variety of vary equipment to meet this goal. The facility consists of three primary functional sections back-of-house, front-of-house and the cash registers. propose 1 shows a layout of the facility .The back of house bea is where all calefactive and cold food is prepargond for sale and where all packaged goods are stored before being moved to the self service area of the Candy Bar for sale.The Candy Bar is entirely self service and contains a variety of specialized equipment designed to meet this need.The registers section of the Candy Bar consists of five touch screen, electronic computer operated, registers, which operate using the Vista POS (Point Of Sale) system. given over to each computer are hand held scanners which are used to litigate all items with barcodes.In June of 2010 the candy bar was closed for several weeks whilst it was rebranded and refurbished. The modern renovation means that a large portion of the equipment in the facility is less than six months old. With the exception of superstar ice machine all equipment is in good working order. At the time of reporting the rug which covered the majority of the front-of-house degree has been removed and is in the process of being replaced with tiles.Fig. 1 Layout of the Candy Bar3. Analysis of the facilities safety equipment and procedures3.1. Hazard realization and reporting proceduresThe company has extensive hazard denomination and reporting procedures alike to that outlined by ODonnell (1993). As well as actively further employees to report potential hazards. A semiformal Occupational Health and safe (OHS) audit of the premises is carried out each quarter by the employment Safety Coordinator (see Appendix __ for job comment). When a hazard is identified it is right off reported to the Duty Manager and the WSC, who assume responsibility for managing the risk. They then assess the level of risk associated with the hazard by completing a authorisation Fixing a Workplace Hazard form, which is then stored on the companies intranet and on the OHS board so that all employees are aware of the hazard. The forethought police squad then give internal projects aimed at eliminati ng or cut back the risk to an acceptable level. If the hazard cannot be resolved by the management police squad and WSC it must be referred to the appropriate Regional Manager or the interior(a) Operations Executive (OHS) who will provide assistance in result the issue.In addition to dealing with hazards on a site-by-site basis a National Workplace Health and Safety Committee also convenes quarterly. The mission which consists of six representatives from non-homogeneous divisions within the company meets to discuss OHS issues which allows for the sharing of data across sites, as a hazard identified at nonpareil venue is apt(predicate) to be present at others.3.2. TrainingThe cinema has in place a strong OHS training program. For employees, hazard identification training begins at their induction. As well as participating in shops employees are also required to fill in a series of workbooks relating to OHS during their first weeks of employment. As recommended by ____ ___, the company also schedules two formal and compulsory fire and armed robbery training sessions each socio-economic class to ensure that employees are capable of responding efficiently to fires, evacuations, armed holdups and bomb threats.3.3. fate equipmentITEMQTYLOCATIONAGELIFECONDITIONFire drape2Gasoline generator1Back of house6 years15 yearsAveragehttp// equipment located within the Candy Bar includes __ fire extinguishers, __ fire blankets, __ fire hoses __ first support kits, __ emergency evacuation signs, __ hazardous product information sheets and gasoline generator.4. Risk Assessment4.1 Risk assessment structure methodologyRisk musical theme can be quantitative, semi quantitative or qualitative in terms of the probability of happening and the likely consequence (IRM Risk vigilance Standard 2002). In order to identify and measure the potential risk associated with identified hazards within t he cinema a qualitative risk assessment structure has been developed. The structure takes the form of a two-dimesional hyaloplasm (see table 1) measures the severity of the risk against the likelihood of the hazard occurring. The probability of the hazard occurring is divided into 4 categories unlikely, possible, likely and certain as recommended by SafeWork SA (2010). An unlikely hazard is one that could occur but only in rare circumstances. A possible hazard could occur but it would be unlikely for it to eventuate. A likely hazard will probably occur at some extremum in time and a certain hazard poses an imminent threat. likeliness ratingsLIKELIHOODCATEGORYDESCRIPTIONAlmost certainA75% chance of occurrence.LikelyBWill probably occur 25% to 75% chance of occurrence in ten-yearPossibleC mightiness occur at some point in time unconvincingDMay occur in exceptional circumstances chances of occurrence are less than 2% in ten-year period.Risk consequence descriptionsThe heading of ri sk description is to display identified risks in a unified format, for example by using a table. The risk description and assessment of risks. The use of a well-designed structure is necessary to ensure a encompassing risk identification, description and assessment process. By considering the consequence and probability of each risks set out in the table, it should be possible to prioritise the make out risks that need to be analysed in more detail (IRM Risk forethought Standard 2002).1.Name of riskMinimal, Serious, Major blasting.2. Scope of riskQualitative description of the event, its size, type,number and dependencies.3. Nature of riskOperational, Structural4. Risk tolerance/ zestValue at risk prospect and size of potential losses/gainsObjective(s) for control of the risk and desired level ofperformance5. Risk treatment control mechanismsPrimary means by which the risk is currently managedLevels of confidence in existing controlIdentification of protocols for monitoring an d review.Risk assessment matrixProbabilityXSeverityUNLIKELYPOSSIBLELIKELY to the highest degreeCERTAINMinimalbruising, minor cuts, mild chemical irritation of eye or skin embarrassed riskLow riskLow riskspiritualist riskSeriousloss of consciousness, burns, electric shock, tough bones, injury resulting in absence from work for more than 3 days, other non-permanent chemical effectsLow riskMedium riskMedium riskHigh riskMajorpermanent injury will result, major damage to property, plant and equipment or financial assetsLow riskMedium riskHigh riskHigh riskCatastrophicloss of life, severe restrictions in the operation of the facilityMedium riskHigh riskHigh riskHigh riskProbabilitySeverity of injuryRisk(Figure Risk Assessment structure presented in a table)4.2 Identified HazardsA thorough hazard identification assessment of the facility has identified six unaddressed risks within the Candy Bar.4.2.1. popcorn maker firesIt is vital when devising popcorn that the jell popcorn making pro cedures are followed. If oil is entered into the kettle before the corn kernels it can kinda easily combust and catch of fire when the seed hits the hot oil. Whilst staff are trained in how to make popcorn this hazard is not highlighted and employees could easily fill the kettle with oil before adding the corn seed, believe that the order of adding the ingredients does not affect the making of the popcorn.4.2.2 inadequacy of protective footgearCurrently Candy Bar employees are required to wear Converse All Star shoes. Whilst the shoes complement the identical the fabric that they are made of presents a hazard. It is possible that whilst making popcorn oil and hot seeds can spit from the popcorn maker or oil can drip from fryers which will seep through the shoes fabric and burn employees.4.2.3. fill up the popcorn dispenserThe Candy Bar features a large self-service popcorn dispenser, which is maintained by employees from the back-of-house. In order to fill the dispenser employee s are required to tip the popcorn in from the top of the unit. As the fastball viewpoints at ___cm this requires employees to stand on a pass water in order to do so. To accomplish this task safely a round stool has been provided however the stool is fitted with wheels which could cause it to slip if placed on a arch floor or on top of popcorn which has been spilt on the floor. It is also common for the stool to be taken and used in other parts of the cinema with staff resorting to using milk crates to stand on when filling the dispenser. This has the potential to cause serious injury as the crates are not designed to withstand the weight of a human and also have no nonslip features.4.2.4 Tiling in the front-of-house areaAs part of recent refurbishments carpet that used to cover the floor in the ques to the cash registers have been replaced with tiles. The tiles present a hazard to customers as they become highly slippery when wet which happens quite frequently as customers often spill drinks.4.2.5. savoury oil and kernels spitting from the popcorn makerThe popcorn machine presents a hazard to employees as it is possible for hot oil and popcorn seeds to spit out of the machine and burn employees.4.2.6. electric cord checking proceduresIt is company policy that all electrical cords located within a hostile work environment are inspected on a twelve monthly basis and that they are tagged with the recapitulation date (see fig. ). The company defines a hostile work environment as a working environment where the electrical equipment is normally subjected to events or operational conditions likely to damage equipment i.e. exposure to moisture, heat, vibration, dust and fumes and cord flexing (Greater Union, Birch, Caroll and Coyle 2008). In accordance with company policy the Maintenance Officer who also acts as the SWC inspects the cords on an annual basis. However only inspecting the cords on an annual basis leaves employees at risk of electric shock if the c ords are to become frayed or damaged during the year.4.2.7. Location of complex map6. RecommendationsListed below are a series of practical and graphic recommendations for minimizing the risk of the five identified hazards.6.1. Popcorn maker firesTo reduce the likelihood of an employee incorrectly entering ingredients into the popcorn maker it is suggested that informative signage is attached to the popcorn maker. The signage should warn of the dangers associated with incorrectly making popcorn and should also demonstrate the correct popcorn making procedure. The signage could easily be attached to the bottom of the set section of the popcorn maker (see figure _ for example of where to place signage).6.2. Lack of protective footwearTwo possible options have been identified for reducing the risk of this hazard. This hazard could be eliminated by re sorrowful the Converse shoes and substitution them with similar leather shoes which still fit with the theme of the uniform and which would stop spilt oil from burning employees feet. This however could be a expensive solution as the shoes which are less than six months old would need to be replaced. It is also suggested that the job of making popcorn could be transferred from those who are working in generally in the Candy Bar to employees who are working preciseally in the kitchen. Employees working in the kitchen are required to wear protective leather shoes and having them prepare the popcorn would significantly reduce the chance of oil seeping through shoes.6.3. Filling the popcorn dispenserIt is recommended that the stool that is currently being used as an assistance when filling the popcorn warmer is replaced with a small step ladder. surrogate the stool with a ladder similar to that in figure _ will provide a sturdy platform for employees to work with. The ladder is fitted with non-slip travel and non-slip stoppers on its legs which will help to prevent the ladder from becoming spastic and slipping.6 .4. Tiles in the front-of-house areaTo reduce the risk of customers slipping on wet tiles it is recommended that the tiles are covered with a non-slip tile coating. Several companies offer non-slip coatings which are simply washed onto the tiles. The coatings are invisible, do not cause a sticky sensation and can easily be mopped away at the end of service and reapplied the next day.6.5. Hot oil and popcorn spitting from the popcorn makerIt is recommended that in order to reduce the risk of injury from spitting oil and popcorn kernels, new protective clothing is introduced. It is suggested that employees making popcorn should be required to wear protective glasses and forestage which will reduce the likelihood of spits from the popcorn machine from injuring staff. Measures such(prenominal) as these are already mandatory conditions across the United Kingdom (Joyce 2010).6.6. electricity checking proceduresAs part of an overall strategy of risk control, there are a number of general precautions that should be observed when working with electrical equipment such as computers or printers at the front office.Always turn over off and disconnect the computer from the power point before moving it or doing any electrical work on it. Remember, a computer carries at lease 240V and needs to be treated with respect.Become well-known(prenominal) with electronic equipment before operating or servicing it.Try to turn away working on live equipment but when it is unavoidable never work alone.When servicing electrical equipment never leave it turned on when unattended. advert warning signs or stickers on computer equipment.Due to its public nature, the institution has to maintain emergency system to use in the event of a power failure. The system includes gasoline-powered generators to provide sufficient power for lighting computers, corridors and limited elevators service. Frequently this emergency system is automated. Although in some instance the workers have to switch the main electric plug. The workers should be educated and prepared for such instances to avoid panicking situation. (Dittmer 2002)6.7. Appropriate Emergency PlanningThe staff at the Candy Bar should be trained according to the guidelines of Emergency Planning Committee. The management should ensure that appropriate people are assigned to specific roles on each shift and their responsibilities in emergency situations are clarified. (Van der Wagen Goonetilleke 2004).7.0 ConclusionThe Risk Assessment Report has analysed present and potential risks at the Candy Bar of Event Cinema Bondi Junction. It was found that the premises were surrounded by various hazards such as pop-corn maker fires, lack of protective footwear, tilling in-front of the house-area and Hot oil and kernels spitting from the popcorn maker. Due to its Public nature offer hospitality to a large number of people everyday even though the management followed OHS policies and procedures for risk prevention. The identif ied risks are then analyze to establish the exposure for each risk and to determine which risk items are the most important ones to address. The report also provides effective recommendations on how to implement risk prevention strategies and risk treatments such as establishing a three-day employee-training workshop to ensure employee and customer safety at the premises. Also appropriate emergency planning should be implemented involving specific people assigned to specific roles in emergency situations.
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