Saturday, February 23, 2019
Compare and Contrast Pi and Chuck
Josh Monsi English 12/4 Ms. jar 29 November 2012 There is not bingle consume away to survival no its to a greater extent like the key ring to survival. The first key I wish to talk close to is military forte, only when on that point is more to strength then simply the sensible strength there is as well a need for wound up strength. Its purports only square(a) opponent. Only revere behind defeat life history. Martel, Yann. 56. bread and butter of Pi A Novel. New York Harcourt, 2001. 203. Print. This is why the mastery of cultism potty help you support.Love which is intimately an exact opposite of fearfulness but goes pass along in hand with look forward to alas there are many forms of acknowledge that can bring about the needs to survive, this helps Pi and toss away near the demolition of the trials. subtile you are at the top, or that you are the of import gives you strength and courage to carry on, both Chuck and Pi need to surveil to this realiza tion in frame to survive. This key ring of symptomatics does not surrender here I thrust only a chosen a select few. Although both Pi and Chuck survived they accomplished this feat victimization the same characteristics but in a unique way differing from the early(a). wound up and physical strength result determine your ability to survive as it did in the stories of Pi and Chuck. without mercy. Not caring if were healthy or ill. Hungry or drunk. Russian, American, beings from Mars. Its like a fire, it could either destroy us or it could restrict us warm. . pariah. Dir. Robert Zemeckis. Perf. Tom Hanks. 20th Century Fox, 2000. DVD. This quote is from the movie Castaway and in a way explains what the lack of physical and emotional strength can do to you. First the physical side of strength, this characteristic helped Pi and Chuck with the physical challenges they faced.Pis first major struggle was with hunger this weight down took most if not all of Pis strength. The hunger l ead Pi to do things and eat things he would have never done in his life if he were not in this situation where he had no other choice. Chuck had a different first physical challenge, this challenge affect him quite a lot in his story and it was physical injuries continuously he was getting cut by his tools or getting stomach by things he was trying to build, but in any lawsuit he was getting hurt and cutting down on his physical strengths.Though these trials are different they both needed physical strengths to chasten their challenges. Emotional strain can cause a person to lose the will to survive or regular the will to live. This is more clearly shown when chick is thinking about felo-de-se, his emotional strength was done he no longer had the will to live. Pi didnt struggle with the thought of suicide like Chuck but instead he emotionally struggled with death. From the mail that went down with his family to the lifeboat with slaughtered animals this all must have been an emotional shock to a boy who cannot even kill a fish without tears.Though the trials of their physical and emotional strengths were different hey both had the strength needed to survive. Strength played other important role in both of their stories when they needed to step up and be the alpha male. I had to devise a training class for Richard Parkers had to make him understand that I was the top tiger and that his rule was limited Martel, Yann. 58. Life of Pi A Novel. New York Harcourt, 2001. 211.Print Pi and Chuck both show the characteristic of being an alpha male, but at the same time show a weakness to something that might be stronger. In the quote above it talks about Pi when he is starting to train Richard Parker the lion, peeing on the boat, and blowing his whistle are a few of the ways that he marks his territory and lets him know he is the alpha. Chuck on the other hand there is not dubiousness he is alpha, alone on an island he has total control naught to fear but the re is one thing still retention him in place.So in order to survive you need to be an alpha male and both of these characters eventually by the end of survival strike these ii antagonists holding them back. With Pi his antagonist is Richard Parker, but soon he marks his territory and trains Richard Parker and its easier sailing from there. Chucks antagonist was the waves the waves held him back when he tried to escape and left him in fear until he ultimately had the courage and resources to try again. In both stories the characters survive because they were able-bodied to overcome these obstacles and truly be the alpha in their certain situations.A big spark off that they had to overcome on their path to being alpha was the fear of the labour fear plays an immense role in the story of survival for these two. hero-worship next turns to your body your jaw incurs to gallop on the spot. Your ears go deaf. Your muscles begin to shiver as if they had malaria and your knees to sha ke as though they were dancingMartel, Yann. 56. Life of Pi A Novel. New York Harcourt, 2001. 203. Print. The fear that Pi has is the same fear that chuck has, though the fear may come in a different form it is something they both have to overcome.One of the reasons these two are able to survive is because of their fear, the fear of pain, of death, this fear is what helps them to push on and survive. Pi describes fear almost like a disease the way it affects you, this fear almost led chuck to suicide and this fear almost influenced Pi to give up his hope. By being able to surpass this fear and repress it as well chuck doesnt give up hope and he is soon rewarded by a piece of trash that will help him overcome and pass through that seemingly impenetrable besiege of water blocking his escape.For Pi his fear was of living on a raft with a 450 pound killing machine and with good reason, but by overcoming his fear not only is he able to survive but train the tiger as well in order to sur vive more comfortable. Fear was a necessary characteristic that these two needed in order to survive, but they needed another characteristic to have a ying and yang effect and help them progress, which was love. I just want to love God Martel, Yann. 23. Life of Pi A Novel. New York Harcourt, 2001. 87.Print, Pis love for God helped him understand his trial and that he would just needed to be patient and have hope. I say this about pi to show how love can help you survive he learned through his love of God to appreciate the little things that did go right and to deal with the big things that went wrong. Chuck had a similar love but this love was for his fiance, he wanted to return to her and he apply the wanting to push him to live and to survive. Now fear has the effect for one to be afraid of death or pain love on the other hand helps a person look at their life and learn to love it.This love of life is just as herculean as the fear of death, these two characteristics make them wan t to survive and even at the same time help them to survive. This unbeatable mix of characteristics helped Pi stay on a teeny boat even though death was feet away in striped fur, and it was this same two characteristics that froze Chucks feet in place when he wanted to jump of the cliff and end his life. nonetheless though love may seem like one small key on a big key ring it can help you survive longer than the strongest man without love.This key ring is not complete, I have selected only a few of the keys that Chuck and Pi needed to survive. Their Mental and Physical strength may have faltered at times but they didnt stop, they didnt give in to the head that filled their minds and they pushed through their trials headstrong. They proved their strength by becoming the alphas they took the obstacles in their way and faced them head on having the courage to take assay that could end their lives. They feared, they feared the end and were not ready for it to come and they used fear to push them to the limits.They loved thought they loved for different reasons they still loved, Pi with his love of God and Chuck with his love of women pushed through and survived to the end. Although their trials may have been different these two characters utilized the same characteristics to help them overcome their challenges and survive. Knowing that they survived it almost makes you think about your own future and your own target of characteristics, and in a way makes you want to go out there and try to survive and see if you really have what it takes to be an mentally and physically strong, to be the alpha, to fear death, to love life, but ultimately to survive.
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